Updated post on - What is meant by Canonical URL and How to specify a canonical with rel="canonical"? Definition: Canonicalization is the process of choosing the best URL from various url's (...if there are several choices for the url). or In general, it is the process of making something canonical -- that is, in conformance with some specification(according to rules). To canonicalize is to ensure that data conforms to canonical rules, and is in an approved format. Canonicalization may sometimes mean generating canonical data from noncanonical data(not according to rules). Canonicalization is the process of standardizing and normalizing data to a consistent and uniform format. In the context of web development, canonicalization usually refers to the process of ensuring that there is only one URL that represents a particular page or resource on a website. When a website has multiple URLs that lead to the same content, it can cause issues with search engines and affe...