Yahoo has customized it's image search and is now providing with the very trendy and eye catchy larger view of the image for the users.
The new sleek interface of the image comes with the image preview at the left along with the image size, and the information about the image (where the actual image is hosted). On to the right there are other options of the images. And to the bottom there is the full preview of the image.
I personally feel this to be very nice and appealing to users, and more than that it makes the search more trendy and interesting. Go ahead and try your own.
New Image Search Preview
This is what the new improved search for images look like,
Source : YSearchBlog
The new sleek interface of the image comes with the image preview at the left along with the image size, and the information about the image (where the actual image is hosted). On to the right there are other options of the images. And to the bottom there is the full preview of the image.
I personally feel this to be very nice and appealing to users, and more than that it makes the search more trendy and interesting. Go ahead and try your own.
New Image Search Preview
This is what the new improved search for images look like,
Source : YSearchBlog