Google has now launched a service which provides you to access what the people you care about are searching.
A paragraph from Google Blog explaining what Social Search means
A lot of people write about New York, so if I do a search for [new york] on Google, my best friend's New York blog probably isn't going to show up on the first page of my results. Probably what I'll find are some well-known and official sites. We've taken steps to improve the relevance of our search results with personalization, but today's launch takes that one step further. With Social Search, Google finds relevant public content from your friends and contacts and highlights it for you at the bottom of your search results. When I do a simple query for [new york], Google Social Search includes my friend's blog on the results page under the heading "Results from people in your social circle for New York." I can also filter my results to see only content from my social circle by clicking "Show options" on the results page and clicking "Social." Check out this video for a demo:
You can create your public profile at Google Profiles
Please check the below interesting links for more details.
Reference Links
Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Google Social Search Launches, Gives Results From Your Trusted “Social Circle”